ACS KG1 Students Take Part in International Art Exhibition
ACS KG1 Students Take Part in International Art Exhibition
ACS KG1 students participated in the first-ever Voices of Children International online gallery. Aimed at enabling young children from around the globe to showcase their creativity and capture movements in time through art, the Voices of Children International Project is a collection of artwork, photographs and written responses from children aged 3 to 6 years old. The work of nine ACS KG1 students was included in the gallery, along with pieces from children from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, China, India, South Africa and the UK.
In addition to an online gallery, the organization exhibits selected pieces in international galleries in major cities around the world including at the Hellenic Cosmos Foundation in Athens, Greece, alongside the 2022 Bright Start International Conference in Early Childhood Care & Education. More than 1,500 preschool children in 12 countries have been involved in this project.
Click here to view the online gallery.